AMICC-able relations

The Autistic Minority International Coordinating Council (AMICC) serves to network autism self-advocacy organizations, individual leaders in the field of autistic rights as well as organizations sympathetic to our goals worldwide. It aims to ensure global coordination amongst autistics themselves and with allies and informs and guides Autistic Minority International's advocacy work and activities at the United Nations, World Health Organization, human rights treaty bodies, and other international organizations.

AMICC is instrumental in building the capacity of new and emerging national self-advocacy and allied organizations and facilitates knowledge transfer and the exchange of best practice on how to engage governments at the national, regional, and local level.

Membership of AMICC is by invitation only. Please contact us if you are interested in joining. All AMICC communication is to be treated strictly confidential. Members of AMICC are free to withdraw at any time. Membership may be terminated if an organization or individual is found to be violating the principle of autistic self-advocacy or publicly expresses views or endorses or enters into collaboration with an entity that holds positions incompatible with autistic culture and identity. Membership of AMICC does not confer any other rights or entail any obligations beyond active participation.

Non-autistic members of AMICC fully accept and support the leadership of autistic persons.
